Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Freedom of Expression for Parliaments and Their Members
Course Curriculum
Introductory Video UNESCO
Introductory Video IPU
Reading: About This Course
Expert Video
Lead Trainer Video
Reading: Selected Guarantees of Freedom of Expression
Reading: Special Protection for Public Interest Speech and Positive Obligations to Ensure Safety
UNESCO Video: “Why #FreedomOfExpression and #AccessToInformation are so central for free and fair elections?”
Reading: The Right to Information
Reading: Whistleblowers
IPU video: Fight for the rights of persecuted MPs
Freedom of Expression and Elections
Further Readings
UNESCO video: The Legitimate Limits to Freedom of Expression: The Three-Part Test
Lead Trainer Video
Reading: A Deeper Dive into the Three-part Test
Recap of the Three-part Test
Expert Video
Reading: Case Studies on Freedom of Expression and Privacy
Reading: Special Challenges for Freedom of Expression: Reputation
Reading: Special Challenges for Freedom of Expression: Equality, Hate Speech and Religion
UNESCO video: The Rabat Plan of Action on the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred
Expert Video
Reading: Special Challenges for Freedom of Expression: National Security and Public order
Reading: Special Challenges for Freedom of Expression: Morals
Reading: Special Challenges for Freedom of Expression: The Administration of Justice
Further Readings:
Lead Trainer Video
Reading: Regulation of Journalists
Reading: Regulation of the Print Media
Reading: Principles Governing Broadcast Regulation
Regulation of Public Service Media
Regulating Online Content and Digital Service Providers
UNESCO Video: “How to address online #HateSpeech with a human rights-based approach?”
New Challenges Posed by Online Speech
UNESCO Video: “How the Internet became toxic (and what tools we built to fix it!)”
Expert Video
Expert Video
Reading: Emerging Approaches to Regulating Online Content and Platforms
Reading: The Responsibility of Parliamentarians to Moderate Their Social Media Pages
Further Readings
Lead Trainer Video
Reading: Inviolability
Reading: Non-Accountability: Scope of Protection in Terms of Persons
Reading: Non-Accountability: Scope of Protection Based on the Nature of the Statements
Reading: Legal Scope of Protection Under Non-Accountability
Expert Video
Reading: Regulation of Parliamentary Speech by Parliaments
Reading: Systems for Addressing Parliamentary Misconduct
Reading: Political Parties and Regulation of Their Elected Representatives
Expert Video
Further Readings
Lead Trainer Video
Reading: Responsibilities of Parliamentarians to Promote Freedom of Expression in their Role as Legislators
Reading: Responsibilities of Parliamentarians to Promote Freedom of Expression through Oversight and as Social Leaders
Expert Video
Reading: Parliaments and Transparency
Reading: Access to Parliament by the Media and Others and Systems of Accreditation
Expert Video
The relationship between parliamentarians and civil servants and parliamentary staff
Reading: Steps to Improve Freedom of Expression: Checklist for Parliamentarians
Further Readings

About this course
- Free
- 73 lessons
- 2 hours of video content
- This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Freedom of Expression for Parliaments and their Members was commissioned by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and prepared by the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD).
- The course aims to develop the skills and capacity of members of parliament, parliamentary staff, civil society organisations, academics and others with a focus on parliaments to protect and promote freedom of expression inside and outside of parliament.
- Estimated Completion Time: 9 hours
Build your knowledge on freedom of expression, starting today
Other Language Versions of the Course
Curso En Línea Abierto Masivo (MOOC) sobre Libertad de Expresión para Parlamentos y sus Miembros
El curso tiene como objetivo desarrollar habilidades y capacidades para proteger y promover la libertad de expresión dentro y fuera del parlamento.
Curso Online Aberto e Massivo (COAM) sobre Liberdade de Expressão para Parlamentos e Seus Membros
O curso tem como objetivo desenvolver habilidades e capacidades para proteger e promover a liberdade de expressão dentro e fora do parlamento.
Formation en ligne ouverte à tous sur la liberté d’expression pour les Parlements et leurs membres
Le cours a pour objectif de développer les compétences et les capacités nécessaires pour protéger et promouvoir la liberté d'expression à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du parlement.